Amazon brings augmented reality to your living room

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What if we say that your living room could soon become pretty different from the concept you have now, being transformed in an “augmented” room with the help of holograms and avant-garde technologies? We are not in a sci-fi book, this is reality: during last days, in fact, two Amazon’s patents related to a system that could change forever your living room habits have been discovered.

The first patent is about “object tracking” and consists of a description of how light beams can be used to project holograms inside a room, revealing at the same time the movements around them. More in depth, the patent describes: “A room equipped with computerized projection and imaging systems that enable presentation of images on various objects within the room to facilitate user interaction with the images and/or objects.”
Think about the possible application of this system: no more remotes, for example, because all the devices will be controlled with the movement of a hand.

The second Amazon’s patent is titled “Reflection-based depth mapping of a scene” and describes how the depth of one or more objects within a scene may be determined utilizing a system that includes a single light source, a reflector, a shutter mechanism, and a camera. This system is pretty innovative because it permits, on the opposite of the previous one, the use of a single source of light, cutting costs and eliminating the need to frequently re-calibrate multiple light sources.

These two patents have been created by Lab126, Amazon’s corresponding department to Google X and Microsoft Research Labs, a laboratory already famous for developing the augmented reality part of the failed Fire Phone .

Deja-vu? You have all the reasons: these two patents reminds pretty close Microsoft’s RoomAlive project (former IllumiRoom); watch the video below to know something more: