The Experenti Team returns to SMAU, the biggest italian Information & Communications Technology Fair, for the gran finale in Milan!

The Fair, from over 50 years the most relevant in the italian IT field both for companies and professionals, will be in Milan from 21th to 23th October, together with the ending period of EXPO 2015, taking the wind of innovation to the city.

Experenti will be there with a double appointment: Amir Baldissera and Barbara Bonaventura will be waiting for you Wednesday and Friday with two free workshops to close the SMAU edition of this year talking about marketing that works and augmented reality!

Come to meet us in person following our seminars:

Wednesday 21th October
h. 12.00, Sala 2 Pad. 1:

Amir Baldissera, CEO at Experenti, will explain how Augmented Reality can help a traditional business during the workshop “Nuovi strumenti per vendere, comunicare e istruire: la Realtà Aumentata“:


Friday 23th October
h. 13.30, Sala 2 Pad. 1:

Barbara Bonaventura, Marketing Manager at Experenti, will talk about the Marketing that works in her speech “E se il marketing non funziona? Come abbandonare le vecchie abitudini e trovare nuovi clienti“:


We look forward to your participation at our two appointments at

SMAU Milano,
padiglioni 1 e 2 di FieramilanoCity,
Viale Teodorico – Milano

Don’t forget to register for the events: you can do it for free to Barbara’s workshop here and to Amir’s workshop here.

News, news, news!

We are very happy to announce that Experenti has been selected between the 6 finalist projects that will be presented at Web Marketing Festival 2015 in Rimini (Italy)!

The competition was huge and prepared, so we are even more proud of being selected.

During the two days of festival we will have the possibility to present our project in front of a public made of the most important professional of the italian digital world, of investors and experts, that will be able to chose to support our idea. Moreover, we will compete to the win of a prize offered by one of the sponsors of the event, the company SiQuri.

We’ll be waiting for you in Rimini the 19th and 20th June at the Europe’s most complete event dedicated to Web Marketing: 22 themed rooms and 120 speeches, and also an area for the most innovative projects, between which you’ll find us too.

You can sign up for the event on the official site, and don’t forget to follow it on social media searching for #wmf15!

In a previous article we announced it, and now we’ll share with you the photos and some reflections: Experenti’s attendance at Smau 2015 Torino has been a success!

The one just ended have been a period rich of events and satisfactions: basically we got off of the stage of, where we collected the Prize for the Best Innovation Internship, and right away we departed to reach Turin. As avant-garde reality in the world of Marketing and Technology, Experenti could not miss one of the most important italian fairs for Innovation: we decided to take a bit of WOW Experience even there.

Barbara Bonaventura and Amir Baldissera answered all your question about Augmented Reality, Innovative Marketing and the world of startups. During the afternoon, they held two workshops: it was a pleasure to talk in front of a nice and well prepared public. We want to thank you all for the big participation: as you can see from the pictures, the room was full.


This is just more proof that our precious project is going in the right way and that the two souls of Experenti, the Innovative Marketing Startup one and the Augmented Reality one, are leading the interests of a high level public as the Smau one.

Thank you all again, see you soon at the next events!


We are happy to announce that Experenti won the Prize for the Best Innovation Internship in collaboration with University of Padua and Confindustria.

Research and successful stories start from training, and we know it good. Experenti collaborates with the University of Padua for the development of avant-garde marketing methods, using a team of specialists and professional researchers in the new technologies and frontier of advertising.

More than 150 students were involved in the twelfth edition of, the Career Day organized by Ict Lab of Confindustria Padua to promote high level training in Ict, in collaboration with PST Galileo, University of Padua and Ca’ Foscari.

Our company was choose between 141 projects and won the “Prize for the Best Innovation Internship“: impossible not being proud of this.


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