
We specialise in creating value through augmented reality and virtual reality.
In fact, Experenti devises, designs and develops Mixed Reality solutions – ranging from desktop to mobile - that bring real benefits to client companies.

So, not only do we create software, but we work with our customers to improve business performance by creating solutions tailored to their needs.

What does Experenti mean?

Experenti is a fantasy word that sounds like a spell.
In fact, our work stands between science and magic because we not only develop technological solutions, but we want to create something really amazing.

Download our Company Profile


Amir Baldissera


An entrepreneur for 15 years. For 5 years in a startup that raised € 2 M in 2001.
Founder of a consulting company in strategic marketing and innovation projects in 2004.
Professor of Business Management at the University of Padua.
For 8 years active in the Board of Directors of the Young Entrepreneurs Group of Confindustria Padova with delegation to new business.
Author of the book "Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality applied to Business". Co-author of the book "Startup Marketing".

Barbara Bonaventura

General Manager and CMO

Expert in strategic marketing with over 15 years of expertise.
Marketing trainer - mktg strategy, digital mktg, persuasive mktg - since 2001 .
Digital marketing consultant for GE Appliances EMEA, Neato Europe, Vicostone, AULSS 15 Alta Padovana, Ca’ Foscari IDEAS, BCC Banca Padovana.
Co-author of the book "Startup Marketing".